I help busy women who want to balance their hormones, improve gut health, reduce stress, and get healthy & fit.

Ready to start nourishing your body & soul the way you deserve?

Let’s work together! I can show you how to implement safe, natural + effective strategies for feeling in tune with your body & building a lifestyle that is Well Balanced©

Women’s Holistic Health Coach

Transform your body, mind & lifestyle with my holistic approach
to a Well Balanced© life!

âś“ Feel confident & healthy in your body.

âś“ Have a deeper understanding of why your hormones so feel out of whack post birth-control pill.

âś“ Live your life in a way that helps to manage stress, hormones, and optimizes your health.

âś“ Be confident about your food choices, and help reduce uncomfortable bloating, gas, and indigestion.

âś“ Learn how to re-balance, embrace, and love your body, instead of being at war with.

âś“ Develop a health conscious & holistic relationship with nutrition, health, fitness & faith that is aligns with your goals. That is manageable, and not overly complicated.

I am here to help you, and show you how this is all possible for you!

Can you imagine how it would feel to…

How to work with me

Well Balanced Nutrition Coaching

Feeling overwhelmed with what the heck to eat?

Get support with my 1-1 Online Nutrition Coaching

Are you sick of feeling stuck, lost, or stagnant in your health?

Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to food or what to make for meals?

Are do want to re-balance your hormones, and support your gut, all while having a sustainable lifestyle, you can enjoy without restricting?

My personalized 1-1 nutrition coaching offers full support & guidance for busy women who need accountability, guidance, and support to make the necessary changes in their nutrition and health. To make a sustainable and lasting lifestyle.

Well Balanced Fitness

Looking for some 1 on 1 coaching support?

My 1-1 online coaching container is catered to whatever fitness level you are at.

I use a structured program to make sure you are challenged, changing, and confident in how you are progressing.

Currently looking to take on only 5 women for this specialized 1-1 support.

Click below to learn more and see how you qualify

45 Day Her Fitness Challenge

A Fitness Challenge designed with HER in mind.

Supporting the different ebbs and flows of energy within your cycle.

Building healthy habits through every phase. Such as:

âś“ Daily Devotional Habits

âś“ Mindset Makeover

âś“ Supportive Community

Also Included:

âś“ Hormone Balancing Meal Ideas & Recipes

✓ Examples of Cyclical Workouts for each phase in your cycle to maximize performance & match your body’s energy levels throughout

Well Balanced Nutrition


Well Balanced Fitness


Well Balanced Lifestyle


Well Balanced Coaching


Well Balanced Nutrition • Well Balanced Fitness • Well Balanced Lifestyle • Well Balanced Coaching •

Meet Laura

Hi, I'm Laura, the owner of Well Balanced. A full-time nurse, turned into a full-time personal trainer, group fitness coach, holistic nutrition expert and wellness coach.

I know first hand how valuable our health is. I have been in the wellness industry for years and have my fair share of health struggles as well. Especially in the areas of women’s hormones and gut health. Which is why I am so passionate about helping others in these areas. As well, as helping women to achieve optimal health in a sustainable way.

I know how to feels to not feel heard by multiple practitioners, and feel lost in which direction to go in. Which is why I spent a lot of time investing in the knowledge I have today. Through this knowledge I am able to help women who struggle with these issues.

My mission is to help women feel Well Balanced© in all areas of their life. To know there IS another way to live. This is why I focus on the main pillars of health. Faith, Fitness & Food

Let me help you feel good in your body again, without having to restrict calories or follow any fad diets.

  • "You're health is an investment not an expense"

  • "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

  • "If you don't make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness"

  • "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."