Transform Your

Well Being

12 Week Hormonal Rebalancing, Gut Restoration, Stress Management & Lifestyle Empowerment for Women

This online program offers full support & guidance for busy women that need accountability, guidance and support to make the necessary changes with your nutrition and health. In order to make a sustainable and lasting lifestyle.

This is a small group coaching program. Where I will be working taking on10 women maximum for the course of 3 months to help them to learn how they can transform their lifestyle, re-balance their hormones & gut health all while managing their stress.

The structure of this program is as follows:

(1 week learning about the material and implementing it into your life, 1 week we will have a zoom live Q+A for any questions regarding material, all Q+A zoom recordings will be sent out if you are not able to make it.)

Week 1: Nutrition Basics


  • Macro/ Micro Nutrients (emphasis on protein)

  • Balancing your plate

  • The truth about calories

Week 2: Q+A Review/ Questions on Nutrition Basics

Week 3: Mindful Eating Habits


  • Intentional Eating & what that means

  • Our relationship with food

  • Creating our individualized balanced diet

Week 4: Q+A Review/ Questions on Mindful Eating Habits

Week 5: Hormone & Metabolic Health


  • Hormones effect on the body and how to improve them & your metabolism

  • How to track temperature/ pulses

  • Cyclical living

Week 5: Q+A Review/ Questions on Hormone & Metabolic Health

Week 6: Gut Health & Healthy Digestion


  • What a healthy digestive system looks like/ what it shouldn’t look like

  • How to support digestion and metabolism

  • Lifestyle habits to improve digestion and supplement recommendation

Week 7: Q+A Review/ Questions on Gut Health & Healthy Digestion

Week 8: Lifestyle


  • Healthy Lifestyle habits

  • What to look for when shopping for products in: beauty, groceries, and house hold.

  • What to avoid when shopping and how to eliminate toxins

Week 9: Q+A Review/ Questions on Lifestyle

Week 10: Stress & Cortisol


  • How stress and cortisol effect the body

  • Ways to reduce stress

  • Taking inventory of our current state of health

Week 11: Q+A Review/ Questions on Stress & Cortisol

Week 12: Create your own Well Balanced Lifestyle with Fitness Tracker

Price: $1,000 Full Price

Payment Plan: $400 a month for 3 months